Hey all you search engine marketing lovers! I wanted to share a few brilliant *new help files located on Schipul.com.
There are 3 new help files that can help your organization or business get started with social marketing on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr.
The Facebook
help files is written to target Children’s Museum but can be generalized for any company. If you are interested in marketing your business or product on Facebook, you must check out this social marketing on Facebook help file.
The Flickr help file demonstrates marketing your business within the Flickr community using photographs. Again, this help file targets Children’s Museums but is general enough for other business use. Read the social marketing flickr help file.
Have you heard of Twitter? I am sure you have by now. There is a general help file written for public use to tell you how to get started on Twitter and why you should care. So why should you care about the powers of Twitter. Learn more about how Twitter can help you market your business and spread your message by reading this help file.
For more information please contact the Search Engine Marketing Team at Schipul – sem@schipul.com