Orion Keynote is moderated by Kevin Ryan of SES and Search Engine Watch and Anne Kennedy of Beyond Ink that features Rob Murray of iPorospect, Aaron Goldman of Resolution Media, Steven Kaufman of Digitas and Bob Tripathi of Discover Financial
The panel is in agreement that online marketing, although still growing, is a sure bet when it comes to measurement of metrics. The Internet is data driven and that data can be measured and analyzed to which a marketing campaign can be tailored to exploited that data. This isn’t the case with print or billboards. TV is also this way. Oh sure you could measure it by using a specific phone number in your print campaign but the metrics for measuring this is is highly ineffective when compared to online metrics.
One reappearing theme is the need to revisit your marketing budget and making changes accordingly. For instance if you run a dieting company you may want to turn up your spending around the first of the year to capture all those that resolve to get into shape and perhaps turn it down in the summer months when people are feeling a little bit better about themselves. Look at your spikes throughout the year and act accordingly.
If I could answer the question of how much search is enough I would say none. No one knows everything and until the time comes where everyone knows everything that has ever happened search will continue to grow. It’s that thirst for knowledge and the need for it to be correct that will continue to fuel the shareholders wallets of Google et al. Let’s face it Google is that guru at the top of the mountain who holds all the answers. Its our job to make sure your answer gets in front of the questioner
Keynote Highlights
Currently TV is the giant for ad spend with 64% of the market share but online marketing has grown by 100% in the last two years according to Tripathi. He says that in order to be effective online you need to have an Integrated Brand Campaign working with TV that uses an ad on TV and PPC ads that reference that ad and then having a landing page supporting that TV ad read: synapse. This is a clear and concise message to spark memory markers that help sell a service or product. Of course this isn’t possible if you aren’t running TV ads but if you are please let us know and we can cater your online marketing campaign to take full advantage of that.
For more information please contact the Search Engine Marketing Team at Schipul – sem@schipul.com