Back in August Microsoft released their Photosynth app out into the wild. Since then they have had the following photosynths created; Auto Parts Store, Idaho Capital Renovation, Great Pyramids of Giza, Obama’s inauguration, and now Schipul is getting into the mix!
First, lets explain what Photosynth is. From the Photosynth site ‘Photosynth examines images for similarities to each other and uses that information to estimate the shape of the subject and the vantage point each photo was taken from. With this information, we recreate the space and use it as a canvas to display and navigate through the photos.’
This amazing software allows you create, for FREE!, quasi 3D worlds to share with people be they friends, family or clients. If you have a product you wish to show someone in a quick 3D fashion that is free Photosynth might come in handy. Below is a Photosynth of a Rubiks Cube. You’ll notice a ring that appears in the center of the image. You can actually grab that ring and drag your mouse left or right and scroll through all of the images. That is pretty cool!
Rubik’s Cube Photosynth
We decided to have some fun and take it one step farther. Below are Photosyths of Aaron Long, Jason McElweenie and Courtney Pemberton
Aaron Long Photosynth
Jason McElweenie Photosynth
Courtney Pemberton Photosynth
Look like fun? Well go create your own and share!
For more information please contact the Search Engine Marketing Team at Schipul –