There is hardly an hour much less a day that goes by without a mention of Twitter and it’s growing influence. Eric T. Petersen has watched the growth of Twitter and built a new set of terms to measure users against benchmarks. Twitter analytics is fairly new, so it makes sense new ways to define and benchmark would be needed.
We often get really powerful questions from clients wanting to know the simple things like, “Why would I Twitter?” or “Am I doing it right?” With Twitalyzer, you can see the measurement of key metrics and see how you are doing against others. You see the Twitalyzer 100 most influential people, or simply measure against your friends, colleagues or business competitors.
A couple of the great values to review are Influence and Signal-to-Noise ratio. Influence is measured not just by your popularity, but a set of calculations based on things like how often you are “retweeted” and your reach with updates and number of followers. Signal-to-noise ratio is a the number of messages with information sharing such as @ references, # hastags, links or retweets. Twitter is a great tool for Social Media, but its popularity is also ramping up some of the noise we are all bombarded with daily. Checking out how much you are contributing above the noise is a great metric. There are other metrics available including generosity, velocity and clout.
How do you become a good Twitterer? There is a dashboard to suggest ways to increase your influence and contribute to the community. Like most analytics tools, it can let you know if you are using a social media strategy successfully.
Finally, we really like the Search tool to find others with similar interests, keywords and get a quick glance at their influence to see if we should be following them.
Of course, we Twitter because we like it and not to chase numbers. Don’t get too caught up, in the super easy to read scores and charts. Remember to enjoy Twitter for the goodness (and sometimes distraction) it brings to your digital life.
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