SchipulCon is in full swing! We were thrilled to see Brian Wheelis of Facebook speak Thursday on Facebook Ads. Below are our notes:
On Facebook Fan Pages
Your page represents who you are, similar to an individual’s profile page. The page is the concert, the ad is the ticket to that concert. That concert may be Kenny Chesney or Lady Gaga – the ticket is the same, but the experience will be completely different. Pages connect people, ads help us reach their friends. When businesses are connected, they win.
On Facebook Engagement Success
“Very little happens on the Facebook platform that wouldn’t happen off the Facebook platform” – Brian Wheelis
Your store experience is not created on Facebook, it’s replicated. Movements are amplified on Facebook, not created.
The more you create compelling content, the more your fans share. Storytelling is key (this has been a theme throughout SchipulCon).
ComScore did a recent study on Facebook Fan Page metrics:
- People are 50% more likely to buy from brand they are a fan of
- People are 60% more likely to recommend after becoming a fan
New Facebook Features (This is the Juicy Stuff!)
- Improved Fan Page Insights will be rolling out in the next few weeks (Brian admitted that Facebook hasn’t done the best job sharing metric data with Fan Page admins)
- Facebook will be adding the ability to create Ads directly from your Page post. You can take a post that’s been proven effective and push it out as an ad.
- Open Graph actions – instead of just “Like” you’ll get a button for any verb you want. Defaults will be: Listened to, Watched, Read. People will be able to add any word with Facebook approval.
The Latest Facebook Update – The Ticker & Timeline
- Timeline is designed to be a curated representation of you – designed to deliver deeper connections. You decide how much you put on Facebook as a representation of you.
- 12-18% content on Facebook is seen on newsfeed – ticker is meant to increase visibility and allow you to see more newsfeed content
On Ad Targeting
Ad targeting is the main reason to use Facebook ads over other online advertising. According to Brian, targeting on Facebook is 90% accurate vs. 35% on industry sites – people don’t lie because there are social consequences. Interestingly, as you get more targeted, accuracy improves further.
Tips on Improving Facebook Ad Conversions
- Ads with friend interaction included has a double CTR.
- 60% better engagement for Facebook ads if you stick to three lines – the less you say, the better
On Facebook Apps
It’s not a “built it and they will come” situation. There are costs in marketing and promotion. Consider an app, but don’t feel like you need to create one. If you do, some tips:
- Focus on people
- Enable great storytelling
- Create good experiences
- Use sponsored Stories
Does Facebook Increase ROI?
Brian showed case studies on liquor brands, & AMEX Small Business Saturday. He admitted that it’s more difficult for industries like Finance, Pharmaceuticals,etc. where data is more protected.
His tip was to be about something to make it social. i.e. Chase had a Facebook campaign rallying around nonprofits that brought them success.
More SchipulCon!
SchipulCon continues today (Friday 10/7). Photos are posted and will continue to be posted at
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