If you are on Twitter I’m sure you’ve encountered that surreal moment when a company/organization/individual starts following you after you tweet about them. Sometimes it is great and sometimes it is creepy and then sometimes it is downright funny. Case in point: Yesterday, in my personal Twitter account I tweeted about Hockey being ‘the sport […]
Microsoft begins revealing New Decision Engine – Bing
I suspect Microsoft has long felt the burr under their saddle when talking about Google. Looks like their competitive nature has them back in the headlines. They are unveiling the newest updates to their Search Engine technology called Bing. The biggest question is, can it be a competitor to Google? We do recognize that Search […]
Twitter is Changing – Search, Rank and Indexing
Most people on Twitter have found their way over to the Twitter search tool at https://search.twitter.com. It will show a reverse timeline of all tweets containing keywords you are interested in seeing. This is extremely helpful in looking up brands, trends, and finding other people who have similar interests to follow. Twitter Search is about […]
Have You Photosynthed Yourself? Pushing the Social Media Boundaries
Back in August Microsoft released their Photosynth app out into the wild. Since then they have had the following photosynths created; Auto Parts Store, Idaho Capital Renovation, Great Pyramids of Giza, Obama’s inauguration, and now Schipul is getting into the mix! First, lets explain what Photosynth is. From the Photosynth site ‘Photosynth examines images for […]
Google’s SearchWiki, Customized & Personalized Results at SMX West 2009
Morning session at the SMX West Expo for the Social Media track: SearchWiki, Google Personalized Results and search customization based on previous queries or geographic location are all ways that Google’s “regular” results seem to be disappearing. This session looks at how “one-size-fits-all” results at Google are continuing to disappear, along with strategies on how […]
Search and Reputation Management presented at SMX West 2009
This session focuses on reputation. What do people find when they search for you by name? Is it negative? If so, what do you do? What can you do? This session explores some of the tactics available. Noah Elkin from Steak presents the rules for Online Search and managing your reputation at a high level. […]
Live Search Now Lets You Find the Perfect Image
Live Search announced it’s new image search function that allows you the ability to find similar images to ones that you like. In their example on their blog they show a search result of Muhammad Ali that returns a variety of results Hovering over an image you are given an option to ‘show similar images.’ […]
MySpace Launches myAds
MySpace is set to launch myAds tonight. What is myAds? It’s MySpace’s version of Google AdWords or Facebook Ads, allowing you to run your own advertising over their network in the form of display ads(no word yet on when they will get text ads). So how does it work? First off you’ll need to have […]
Hakia – Semantic Search On Its Way
TechCrunch has a great overview of the newest release of semantic search engine Hakia. Jason McElweenie For more information please contact the Search Engine Marketing Team at Schipul – sem@schipul.com
Ask.com – New Look – New Results!
Ask.com, playing on their name, want to give you answers not just results. With that Ask.com rolls out it’s 11th major update and claims to be 30% faster than version 10. So what’s new in version 11? Well back in the days of Ask Jeeves the search results were hand crafted, now all of the […]