Yesterday we told you about the new factor that Google will implement in to its Google AdWords quality score.
Last night Google emailed out the official announcement to its advertisers.
So why are they doing this? Here’s Google’s answer:
Two reasons: first, users have the best experience when they don’t have to wait a long time for landing pages to load. Interstitial pages, multiple redirects, excessively slow servers, and other things that can increase load times only keep users from getting what they want: information about your business.
Second, users are more likely to abandon landing pages that load slowly, which can hurt your conversion rate.
The changes will take in affect in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for it on your Keyword Analysis page. Google say they will notify us when it is available, so that’s good…no big surprises 🙂
When this factor does become available you will have one month to make the necessary changes to your page load time if it does receive a low score.
Find out how you can improve your landing page load time here from Google.
Read this article for a full detailed explanation of page load time and how it will affect your AdWords quality score.
For more information please contact the Search Engine Marketing Team at Schipul –