Another weekend and with it another major Google algorithmic update. What SEOs have been waiting for over two years has finally happened. Last Friday, September 23rd, Google announced Penguin 4.0 is now baked into its search core algorithm, Hummingbird and is now real-time! So What is Google Penguin? According to Search Engine Land, “Penguin is […]
2016 Internet Trends from Mary Meeker
Each year, data and technology industry leaders await the release of Mary Meeker’s comprehensive slide deck on Internet Trends. This is no light reading, but 213 slides of well documented information, statistics and analysis showing a current state and predictive trends in advertising, human-computer interfaces and data. Save this to your favorite bookmark, download or […]
Quantitative Effects of the Penguin Police
Penguin sparked fear in many SEOers, with blog posts like Anatomy of a Disaster, Penguins, Pandas and Panic at the Zoo, and innumerable accounts of sites losing over half of their traffic. Penguin is Google’s latest search algorithm update, and is supposed to level the playing field – increasing ranking for websites that have great content but […]
Pinterest: Why it’s worth the investment, and how to get your ROI
If you’re the person in charge of social media at your company, Pinterest may cause you to groan and look for excuses to opt out of maintaining yet another communication channel. Unfortunately Pinterest is increasingly looking like a medium marketers shouldn’t ignore; fortunately, it also looks like a medium that delivers significant ROI, and might […]
The Familiarity Effect: PPC vs Organic Search
Dave Underwood of Topspot Internet Marketing spoke on “Improving Website Measurement & Analytics” at the HiMA luncheon last week in Houston, Texas. He offered useful insight for successful marketing, some of it surprisingly simple. For example, recording and listening to phone calls: if your sales people give inaccurate information or fail in some other way […]
HOWTO: Use the Dimensions Tab to Improve Your PPC Campaigns
Guest Blogger: Laura Rodnitzky is the Director of Production for PPC Associates, a search engine marketing agency with offices in San Mateo and Chicago. If you’re running paid search campaigns in Google AdWords, and you don’t already use the Dimensions tab, you’re missing out on a ton of useful data. Rolled out in mid-2010, the […]
SEO News: Weekly Link Roundup – March 24, 2011
We here at Schipul – The Web Marketing Company love to share knowledge, information and news with each other. On any given day, our inboxes are filled with links to great articles, SEO tools, and sometimes just plain awesome randomness. So, we decided on the SEM team to begin sharing some of the articles we’ve […]
Holiday Planning for SEO and Marketing – IS Conference
We had the opportunity to speak at the Houston IMA annnual Interactive Strategies Conference in this week. The toughest part of the conference was not being able to see all the good quality presentations since there were multiple session tracks for the day. We happen to think Holiday and Seasonal trends are pretty insightful and […]
Google Instant Search – Impressions and Search Training
Google Instant has been announced today. The new feature for signed in users of Google Search will anticipate search query and display search results on the query page based on initial characters. One of the most talked about changes in the several Google Blogs indicates it may have a strong relationship to impressions vs. click […]
SEM News – FBML adds Google Analytics to Facebook, Google Automates CPC – Measure
A couple of good articles we worked through this week in measure and online advertising. FBML can add Google Analytics tracking to your facebook pages. You finally have the outer edge offices understanding the need to allocate resources to social media. Now, you want to measure some of your traffic to your faceBook Fan page? […]