PubCon Austin 2015 was held during the beautiful Spring in Texas. One of the most informative sessions was the Increasing Your Leads and Sales With Content Remarketing by Damon Gochneaur of Aspiro Agency and Sean Dolan of PushFire. These guys provided well documented insights into remarketing advertising. Damon kicked off our session with describing what feels like a […]
Social Signals and SEO – Can Facebook and Twitter help my SEO?
Google and Microsoft have made announcements lately that Social Signals are being incorporated into the search algorithm (including this interview with SEO Moz back in December). Which means that whether or not a link has been shared via social networks affects its performance in search. How much do Social Signals matter? Keep in mind […]
SEM News – FBML adds Google Analytics to Facebook, Google Automates CPC – Measure
A couple of good articles we worked through this week in measure and online advertising. FBML can add Google Analytics tracking to your facebook pages. You finally have the outer edge offices understanding the need to allocate resources to social media. Now, you want to measure some of your traffic to your faceBook Fan page? […]