Search Engine crawlers are great at crawling text. They can pick out words and phrases and interpret the meaning of a page and then list it in search engine searches related to those words. However, search engines are not great at reading text in images. But, you and your client really want to use a […]
Google Analytics Application Directory
Google recently announced their application directory from a Google Analytics blog post. It includes links to online applications, mobile applications, and other add-ons to help you extend Google Analytics. Below are some of the applications we use. Analytics App and Analytics HD Available for the iPhone and the iPad, these two apps give you a […]
SEO from DrupalCon SF 2010
Last week I attended DrupalCon San Francisco. I recapped Days 1, 2, and 3 already, but I thought I’d spend some time focusing in on SEO for Drupal. We’ve talked about Drupal SEO here before, but I’d like to add to that with some of the new things we’ve learned from DrupalCon. Jen Lampton and […]
SEM News Roundup – Speed, Opt-out Tracking, and So What
Over the past few weeks there have been some great articles published in the SEM world that you may have missed. Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel, we wanted to share them here so you can stay up to date on the latest news and thoughts from the search engine marketing world. Google uses […]
The Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance
Well, it has finally happened. After coming to a basic agreement in July and finalizing the terms in December of last year, Yahoo! and Microsoft have received regualtory approval from the U.S. Government and the EU. The result is a search partnership between Microsoft and Yahoo! in their combined battle for online advertising with Google. […]
iPad, iPed, iPid, iPod, iPud
Previously only one of those words was an Apple product. After January 26th, however, Apple now sells iPads along with iPods. What may be a silly name or a great name briefly caused a bit of confusion with the search engines. IPED and IPEDS are acronyms that have quite a few results in Google, Yahoo, […]
SEO Modules for your Drupal site
Drupal (for those that don’t know) is a very popular open-source content management system (CMS). It is built to be very lightweight at the core level. Features are added in by using modules that are submitted by the Drupal development community. They can help to create new content, work with users, add media, and of […]
Twitter Teams up with Google and Bing
Twitter recently partnered up with both Google and Bing to allow them to search and index the full stream of tweets. Both companies are taking a different approach to how to showcase the data. Here is a look at each one. Bing Twitter Page and Search Bing actually created an entire page at which […]
New Google Analytics Features Released
Today, the Google Analytics Blog detailed some of the new features that are out now and coming soon. Here is a rundown of what is included and why you need it. More Goals Previously you could only have 4 goals per profile. Now you can have up to twenty, made up of 4 sets of […]
Clearing up SEO Misconceptions
Recently, Derek Powazek wrote a fairly aggressive rant attacking SEO as a profession and business. Unfortunately, while he makes a few good points, he muddies the water with even more misinformation. Let’s clear some of that up right here. The Good Advice is obvious, and the rest doesn’t work This is spot on. The good […]